Servicing and parts

Reconditioning and maintenance

Do you have a Ram and are having a problem with it? Or do you have an old Ram that you wish to get working again?

We operate reconditioning and maintenance services for any type of Ram – even those made by other manufacturers.

Wherever you are in the world we are happy to give what advice we can by email, telephone or letter. We also have trained engineers, both within the British Isles and overseas, who will visit your installation, diagnose the problem and generally be able to have the Ram working there and then, whatever its make.

We can also arrange annual, bi-annual or tri-annual service contracts to keep the Ram working cost effectively and make certain everything is checked over to ensure continued reliability.

For additional information please contact us.


Ram installation is extremely simple. All that is required is some method of containing the power water at the point of use by constructing a pool or catchpit. This may be formed by a dam across a stream or the construction of a containment area using local materials and being waterproofed by usual methods, or the provision of a prefabricated container of polyethylene or similar material.

From this, running downwards on an even gradient to the point of location of the Ram itself, runs the drive pipe which has to be heavy gauge galvanised steel or cast iron pipe of an appropriate length which is dependent upon the height to which the water is to be pumped. Although it is not essential that this pipe should be buried, it is preferable in order to avoid interference to and from wildlife and unauthorised persons. As far as the delivery pipe is concerned this should be treated conventionally as with any other type of water-pumping system.

The Ram chamber itself can vary considerably but all that is required is a concrete base which will securely hold the Ram in place but this could equally be constructed from heavy baulks of timber to which the Ram could be bolted. Naturally, some kind of covering (while not essential) is preferable to give the necessary security to the installation.

The whole installation is extremely simple and straightforward and can be carried out by inexperienced or local labour from details provided by the manufacturer.


Along with every other aspect of our business we believe in the tradition of service and integrity.

We have nearly £500,000 worth of parts on the shelf ready to supply what you need at a moments notice.

We manufacture parts for every make of Ram – including the Blake Ram.

For parts and prices for your Ram please contact us.

Other services

Since 1774 we have been pumping the world’s water and it is our only concern. Apart from manufacturing our world famous range of Vulcan Rams we can advise and carry out work on almost any aspect of water supply.

  • Bore holes
  • Pumps
  • Filtration equipment and chlorination
  • Pipe laying
  • Thrust moling
  • Water wheels Hydraulic accumulator

We can also supply expert witness statements for disputes and other legal matters in connection with water supplies.

For additional information please contact us.