I would like to take the opportunity of thanking you for the excellent service my family have always received from Green and Carter over the past sixty-four years.
Mr T Jones, Bromyard, Herefordshire
We are writing to tell you about the Ram which you installed for us on our farm five years ago this August.
It is a remarkable machine that has entirely met your original claims and far exceeded our expectations. During the time that is has been installed, not only have we not spent one penny on parts or servicing, we have not been near the Ram or lifted the cover of the Ram chamber.
During this time it has worked unceasingly. In fact, we have calculated that the number of beats of the Ram has done which totals 2,275,200!
You are very welcome to use this letter as a testimonial to the quality of your Rams.
Mr & Mrs Brown, Hardwick Farm, Cheshire
Thanks for taking the effort to give me your “problem sorting” email. We followed your instructions to the letter and I am not quite sure what we did, but I think the problem was a loose bolt on the grid valve. I think one of the brass studs had got stripped. Quite why that problem coincided with the original problem of stolen pipes I’m not sure. Anyway, I don’t think we have had the pump working so well, ever! So, huge thanks. Next time I will not dig up nearly a kilometre of pipe!
Totally agree with your assessment of clients! But, keep going, the hydram is the most brilliantly simple and effective machine ever made. I can’t think why they are not everywhere, especially in these environmentally conscious days. The hydram here was probably bought in the late 40’s or early 50’s and except for a bit after Independence has been in constant use. It has outlasted two stone storage tanks! It is serving probably about thirty people here and the entire community use the cattle trough which is probably about 100 cows goats and sheep, and as I write this the old man out the back is watering the rhubarb!
The hydram we bought from you about three years ago for Ngecho Secndary School (the school we are building) now serves nearly 400 students with proper flush loos, the kitchen, everything, and, gives drinking water to the Primary School. (It is no wonder they are such desirable objects to steal!)
So, thanks for everything, and if any client is dubious about their efficacy or about the service you provide – put them in touch with me. I will tell them!
Mr S Harris
The Milligans have had a Ram here for over 68 years and it is still working well and has needed hardly any repair and given no trouble.
The Milligans, Burton-on-Trent
I take this opportunity of telling you how very satisfactorily the Ram which you fixed for a water supply to this house is still working. It has now been in use for 57 years. It gives no trouble and the expense it negligible. I can thoroughly recommed your workmanship, and the system of supply.
Rev St John B Battersby, The Vicarage, Chippenham
It is now 19 years since you erected the Ram for raising the water of Fair Rosamond’s Well to the Palace, and I am pleased to say the scheme is a great success. My forbears and I had often wished that the water from this famous well might be available for use in the Palace, but as the well is nearly 100 feet below the Palace and the flow from it very small the difficulty of raising the water except by a power-driven pump seemed insuperable. The scheme you adopted however, of first gravitating the water through a pipe 7/8ths of a mile long, laid from the spring along the bottom of the large lake to the outfall end of the latter, enabled you to install one of your Rams driven by the lake water to raise 5,000 gallons of the well water per day to the Palace, and as the installation is entirely self-acting I think you are to be congratulated both on the designing and the carrying out of the scheme.
His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim Palace, Oxford (1947)
In the year 1879 you put up a Ram for my father here which worked perfectly until 1910. In my absence abroad, two new Rams of another make were put in to replace yours. I had nothing but trouble with these Rams, and should not have allowed any Ram other than yours to have been put up had I been aware of it. These two Rams were removed last year, and were replaced by one of yours, which as I expected has given every satisfaction.
The Right Hon. The Earl of Granard, K.T., T.D., Newtownforbes (1920)